Sunday, October 23, 2011

10-15-11 Saturday Week 141

175 lb ground to overhead.
3rd week of Atlanta Leauge competition this week. We won our match!!  I only did the ground to overhead part and the other team members held it down on the metcon part.

I was pretty stoked to hit 175 lbs in warm-up since it was a match PR. I power cleaned it.. pretty crazy.
Our team had 4 minutes and 1 barbell for 4 peeps to max out their ground to overhead. I put 175 lbs on the bar to open ... I hit it which allowed our team to take 215 seconds off our metcon time (you can see the workouts at Great day since 175 was previously my 1RM and I hit it twice in 1 day with a power clean!!  Woohoo!!

1PM (after competition)
Since I didn't get to do the second part of the competition workout, Lauren S. and I did the CFED workout of the day after everyone left.
Here was the wod:
As many rounds as possible in 4 minutes of:
50 M Farmer Carry
50 M Overhead Walk
50 Meter Sprint
Rest 3:00
Repeat for a total of 3 cycles. Increase the loads for each cycle.

R1: FC was 55lbs each hand, OH was 95lbs, total distance 350M
R2: FC was 60lbs each hand, OH was 115lbs, total distance, 300M
R3: FC was 65lbs each hand, OH was 135lbs, total distance was ~160M

Got to use my new farmer handles. Good times. :)

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