Monday, September 28, 2009

09-28-09 Monday Week 35

As planned, made up the AMRAP today.

Training Log
20 minute AMRAP:
5 Thrusters 65 lbs
7 Hang Power Cleans 65 lbs
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 65 lbs

Score -- 13 rounds + 5 thrusters ......

..... HOWEVER, I was told by my small crowd of assistant coaches (thanks Kristine, Clark and Dennis) that I skipped a set of SDHP somewhere around round 11 ... ARGH!!! I don't know HOW I missed them. I needed 13 rounds to PR. Previous PR was 12 rounds + 5 thr/7 hpc & 4 sdhp ....
So I know I did 14 rounds of thrusters, 13 rounds of cleans and 12 rounds of sdhp.
If I'm comparing reps...

70 thrusters, 91 HPCs, 120 sdhp
Previous PR:
65 thrusters, 91 HPCs, 124 sdhp

PR or no???? Crap. :::: sigh ::::