Thursday, June 11, 2009

06-11-09 Thursday Week 18


Decided to do the HQ wod today with the 5:30PM crew. Always good energy with the group. I'm seriously sore after yesterday. I can't wait to see how I feel tomorrow.

Training Log
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
15 Hang Squat Clean 85 lbs
12 Ring Dips
21 Situps

Total -- 5 rounds + 13 cleans

My thighs were already bruised from the hang cleans in Nasty Girls on Sunday and now there are bruises on top of bruises. Also, shoulders are bruised from low bar last night. Also, there are bruises on my biceps (not sure why) and then there's bruises on my collarbone from receiving the bar ... I have a few bruises. I'm going to wear them like temporary battle scars.

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