Thursday, September 1, 2011

09-01-11 Thursday Week 135

Man cleans in my Bruce Lee shoes.
Totally sore today... what's new, right? My abs and calves are fried from "Annie" and "Nancy" yesterday...
I was really, really, reeeaaallly considering an unscheduled rest day but talked myself into going to the gym. I told myself I was going to just get through the workout and do, like, 80% intensity. Yeah... well, apparently, it's harder for me to take it easy than just not come to the gym!
I was crushed after this!

Training Log
Row 500 M
Lots of shoulder mobility. 
Squats, lunges, front/back kicks. Handstand and forward roll practice. Roll out hammies and quads.

On a 15 minute clock, working continuously, begin with:
1 Power Clean (w:95/120 m:135/175)
1 Ring Dip
1 Lateral Hop
then do 2 power cleans, 2 ring dips, 2 lateral hops, then 3 … and so on, completing as many rungs as possible until time is up. There is no rest implied.

TOTAL -- 10 rounds + 1 power clean  (used 135 lbs for the cleans)

I decided to do the men's rx weight on this one. It just made more sense. I added up the reps and I did 56 cleans at 135 in 15 minutes. My sore-trap-headache has already started. I really pushed on this one. The ring dips were pretty fast. Whew... tough one!
On a dietary note, can't. stop. eating. chocolate. What to do...?!?

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