Sunday, November 8, 2009

11-08-09 Sunday Week 40

At CF Hyperformance in Savannah.

I have been taking a martial arts class on Saturday that is really kicking my ass. Not sure if it's all the stance work from yesterday or the deadlift/run workout from Friday that has me torn up in the upper hamstring/hip region. If it's this bad tomorrow, I'm going to see Sadri.

Training Log
snatch practice.
did 3-5 reps of full-squat snatch at the following weights:

45 lbs
65 lbs
75 lbs
85 lbs
95 lbs
105 lbs
115 lbs

Felt pretty good. My OHS is getting more solid and upright in the bottom and I think warming up through a squat snatch is a much smarter way to work up to a max snatch weight than starting out with power snatches.

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