Tuesday, September 27, 2011

09-27-11 Tuesday Week 139

Wall balls; not a short girl's friend.
Did a double today. BJ was the culprit. Ended up with a sick trainer today and had to coach this evening so we had to squeeze the first one in right after the noon class...

Training Log
For time:
Muscle Ups
alternating with
Double Unders

Time -- 5:27

then ...

5 rounds for time:
400 Meter Run
30 Box Jumps 24″
30 Wall Ball Shots (w: 14 m:20)

Time -- 30:53

The muscle up one was harder than I thought it would be. The false grip on the MUs affected my grip on the double unders and made them trickier than usual. Did the first 5 MUs unbroken -- the rest of the sets weren't so smooth. I finished with a cramp in my neck for some reason. Maybe the combo of all those rope climbs yesterday plus muscle ups to kick off today was the culprit.
As slow as I felt today, obviously, that is no blistering Kelly time, it was a PR for me by 2 mins 39 seconds... I'll take it. I felt like I was dragging my stumps through a swamp. I hate wall balls. I finished that wod thinking I could have done it faster and I hate that feeling. Oh well. Off to Buford in the morning for the O-lifting so I must away to bed. I am going to sleep well.

09-26-11 Monday Week 139

I'm 'bout to climb that rope... I swear.
Tonight was a marathon lifting session followed by the CFED workout of the day. I'm exhausted!!

Training Log
snatch balance + 1 overhead squat
33 lbs x 4
55 lbs x 3
77 lbs x 3
99 lbs x 2
123 lbs x 2

snatch without feet
33 lbs x 4
55 lbs x 3
66 lbs x 2
77 lbs x 2
88 lbs x 2

2 pulls+ 2 snatch off box (at knee)
66 lbs
88 lbs
110 lbs
118 lbs
128 lbs
132 lbs

Front squat
143 lbs x 2
165 lbs x 1
143 lbs x 2
176 lbs x 1
143 lbs x 2
183 lbs x 1

clean pull 
155 lbs x 3
165 lbs x 2
165 lbs x 2
165 lbs x 2
165 lbs x 2

“Stink Bug”
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
2 Rope Climbs
4 Back Squats (w: 145/165 m: 205/235)
6 Handstand Pushups

Total -- 6 rds + 1 back squat (w/165 lbs)

I think "Stink Bug" is a keeper. I should have gotten up that rope a little faster - I could have had all the squats in that 7th round. I did all the HSPU unbroken and the back squats felt pretty light, which was surprising after all the lifting we did right beforehand. I'm thinking I will sleep very well tonight...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

09-23-11 Friday Week 138

Do not underestimate the suckiness of the slam ball.
Today was a looooonnnnnggg day. Coached for most of the day, and in between coaching, ran some errands. Was able to squeeze today's wod in with the very last class of the day.... started the workout around 8PM. Beforehand, had great success with the handstand walking. It's almost like I'm getting the hang of it. I still have a long way to go, but there are moments where it's actually like walking on my hands ... LOL.

Training Log
and Handstand Walking.


For time:
10 Deadlifts (230 lbs)
10 Slam Balls (25 lbs)
8 Deadlifts
15 Slam Balls
6 Deadlifts
20 Slam Balls
4 Deadlifts
25 Slam Balls
2 Deadlifts
30 Slam Balls

Time -- 10:46

Holy heavy deads man.... I felt super weak and tired tonight. Couldn't figure out why and basically thought I just didn't eat enough food to fuel the extra long day I had. Then when I got home, Aunt Flo arrived and it all kind of made sense. The consensus amongst my group of fellow sufferers was that we'd rename the workout from "Sexypants" to "Not so sexy limpin' out the gym..." The slam balls were absolute misery.... total complete misery. I'd like to revisit this when I have lil more energy.

Friday, September 23, 2011

09-22-11 Thursday Week 138

Good rep?
Got started lifting a little bit late tonight so I kind of rushed through it a little so I could workout with the 5:30PM class and be recovered in time to coach 7PM Fundamentals. Had to lift alone, which is not my preferred way to go, but it was a good lifting sesh.

Training Log
Hang Squat Clean + 2 jerks
33 lbs
55 lbs
77 lbs
99 lbs
113 lbs

2 clean pulls + 2 hang squat clean + 2 front squat
78 lbs
99 lbs
121 lbs
133 lbs
143 lbs
143 lbs
143 lbs

Jerk from behind neck
77 lbs x 2
99 lbs x 2
123 lbs x 2
132 lbs x 2
143 lbs x 2
143 lbs x 2
143 lbs x 2


Teams of 3 accumulate as many reps and calories as possible:
1 minute max row for calories.
1 minute max clean and jerk (w:95 m: 135)
1 minute max toes to bar.
Rest 1 minute. Complete 3 cycles. 

I was on a team with Jeff J. and Bayless. 
I started on toes to bar, got 25/23/17
Then to the rower, got around 15 cals per round
Clean and jerks last, got 10/10/9
Team Total -- 340


I had 15 minutes between finishing that workout and starting the 7PMers, so I finished up my snatch pulls...

Snatch pulls from floor
123 lbs x 4
143 lbs x 4
154 lbs x 4
154 lbs x 4
154 lbs x 4

Phew!  Quite a night!  I don't have a lot to say. My lifting felt pretty strong, but it was mostly lighter weights. Was happy that after all those toes to bar and calories on the rower, I was able to get 29 clean and jerks in under 3 mins.... bodes well for "Grace" coming up in October.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

09-21-11 Wednesday Week 138

Decided to do a twofer today. My buddy BJ has been keeping me company for the last couple of days. I wanted to make up one of the CFED wods I've missed this week, but we couldn't decide which one so we flipped a coin. Monday's workout won. We did that around lunchtime then also worked out with the 4:30PM class.

Training Log
Monday CFED wod
9 minute AMRAP:
3 Thrusters 115 lbs
100 Meter sprint

Total -- 9 rds + 1 thruster

then ...

Overhead Squat
85 lbs x 5
115 lbs x 3
135 lbs x 3
145 lbs x 3
155 lbs x 3

21 - 15 - 9
Overhead Squats (Rx is 65/95 ... I used 85 lbs)

Time -- 5:23

I decided to go heavy on the Rx for "Jeremy" ... I thought with the 85 lbs I could do the squats unbroken and thought that would be a good choice. I DID do them unbroken but it significantly slowed down my burpees. That's okay. I think after having done the thruster workout just 3 hours earlier affected the latter workout somewhat. I'm thinking if I had pushed just a little more, I could have gotten 10 full rounds on Monday's. I did all the thrusters unbroken, but I think I could have run a little faster on the 100's - that was a good one.

09-20-11 Tuesday Week 138

New Wright yoke.... my new fave thing.
FINALLY got back to my workouts today!! It was pretty late when we got started and pretty late when we finished .... didn't eat dinner til around 10:15PM as a result. Feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day lately.

Training Log
Push Snatch + 1 OHS
33 lbs x 4
55 lbs x 4
77 lbs x 3
99 lbs x 3
121 lbs x 3
132 lbs x 2

Snatch Pull + snatch from box
55 lbs x 2/2
77 lbs x 2/2
99 lbs x 2/2
110 lbs x 2/2
121 lbs x 2/2
128 lbs x 2/1
115 lbs x 2/2
125 lbs x 2/1
132 lbs x 2/1

Front Squat
158 lbs x 2
170 lbs x 1
158 lbs x 2
176 lbs x 1
158 lbs x 2
183lbs x 1 (f)

Clean Pull from floor
121 lbs x 6
143 lbs x 4
165 lbs x 3
176 lbs x 3
176 lbs x 3

then ...
Tabata mashup, alternating movements for 16 total tabata rounds of:
 40 lb kettlebell swings
 320 lb yoke carry for distance

 Total -- 74 swings & 187 ft

 Feeling exhausted but glad to be back working out... took almost 5 full days off. The lifting isn't too heavy but it's so long, which is a weird adjustment when I'm used to doing things for time. The yokes we got from Wright Equipment are totally awesome. Getting under 320 lbs while under respiratory stress was really challenging. It might be my new fave training tool.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

09-14-11 Wednesday Week 137

Ring rows are the devil.
I felt like I worked out all.day.long today... left the house at 7:50AM to drive to Buford for lifting with Caleb and Kelly at Peak Performance Weightlifting. Then headed back to CFED for the noon class... then did the metcon with the 4:30PM class then did  a bunch of Burgener warm-up and demo-ing while coaching the 3 late classes.  Now I am exhausticorn...

Training Log
(Translation, stand bar up from floor+ high hang squat clean+split jerk)
15kg x 2
25kg x 1
35kg x 1
40kg x 1

Clean pulls from a box at the knee + Clean from box
45kg x 2
55kg x 2
65kg x 2
70kg x 2
70kg x 2
70kg x 2

Split Jerk from behind neck
35kg x 2
45kg x 2
55kg x 2
65kg x 2
70kg x 2
70kg x 2
70kg x 2

Front Squat
75kg x 2
75kg x 2
75kg x 2
75kg x 2
75kg x 2
75kg x 2

Snatch Pulls
55kg x4
60kg x3
65kg x3
70kg x3

10 minutes to max out snatch:
125 lbs x 1
135 lbs x 1
140 lbs x 1

For time:
40 Push Press (w: 55 m: 75)*
40 Jumping Pullups
30 Elevated Pushups
30 Ring Rows
20 Ring Dips
20 Power Snatch (w: 55 m: 75)*
 *I used 80lbs for the push press and p-snatch.
Time --  13:18

 Ring rows were the worst part of that workout for me. Once I fail a rep... they are one at a time if I make them legit. The bodyweight stuff is my biggest weakness so I feel pretty good about how I did on this. I'd like to improve my ability to cycle snatches. It just take SO much out of me and I feel like I die too fast... going to have to practice this.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

09-13-11 Tuesday Week 137

Head got cut off but you get the idea...
I wasn't as wrecked today as I expected to be. It was a very exciting day, though, because the rumble roller and nubby lacrosse balls I ordered arrived and I spent a good 30 minutes of quality time with them before I started on my handstand work.

Training Log
Warm-up and mobility work.
30 minutes handstand, handstand to forward roll, handstand walking practice.

then (with the 7:30PM class) ...

5 rounds, on 3 minutes:
400 Meter Run
Max Rep Box Jump Burpees (w: 20″ m: 24″)
Score is total # of box jump burpees.

Total -- 69 burpees

I have a wicked awful fran lung after that one... I haven't been that destroyed after a workout since last time I did Fight Gone Bad. This one is a keeper for sure.

09-12-11 Monday Week 137

Setting up to front squat at Summer Crush in Miami.
I was planning on lifting today and then getting my metcon in... lifting took longer than expected so the metcon will have to wait until tomorrow. Started warm-up a little before 5PM and didn't finish lifting until around 8... my goodness.

Training Log
DROM warm-up with bear walks, elephant walks, duck walks, hip mobility, shoulder prep, super couch .... that's about it.


Snatch grip push press + OHS
(assignment is in kg but all we have is plates in lbs at our gym so had to convert.)
33 lbs - 4 push press + 1 OHS
55 lbs - 4 push press + 1 OHS
77 lbs - 3 push press + 1 OHS
99 lbs - 3 push press + 1 OHS
121 lbs - 2 push press + 1 OHS
132 lbs - 2 push press + 1 OHS
143 lbs - 1 push press + 1 OHS

Snatch Pull from box (at knee) + snatch from box
66 lbs - 2 pulls, 2 snatches
88 lbs - 2 pulls, 2 snatches
99 lbs - 2 pulls, 1 snatch, 1 failed
110 lbs - 2 pulls, 2 snatches
121 lbs - 2 pulls, 1 snatch, 1 failed
121 lbs - 2 pulls, 2 snatches
121 lbs - 2 pulls, 2 snatches

Front Squat
133 lbs x 3
154 lbs x 1
133 lbs x 3
162 lbs x 1
133 lbs x 3
171.5 lbs x 1

Clean Pull (from floor)
143 lbs x 4
154 lbs x 3
165 lbs x 3
176 lbs x 3

Woseph and I were totally planning on doing a metcon tonight after lifting but we were a little exhausted after all of this. I am sitting on an ice cushion, wearing an ice belt as I type this... Had a snafu with dropping a snatch on the edge of the box earlier... it bounced back at me and I tried to hurdle it but wasn't quick enough. It whacked me in the shins and I got another scrape on the left and a bruise on the right. Sigh.
The clean pulls and the snatches were feeling pretty good towards the end. I love overhead squats ... but the worst part about that move is bringing the bar back down to your shoulders for the next lift.
The metcon can wait til tomorrow. It's time for unicorn to turn into a pumpkin.

Monday, September 12, 2011

09-11-11 Sunday Week 136

Sled Pushin'...
Yep. Really, reeeeaaally sore today. Did a light wod and practiced some skillz with Woseph...

Training Log
500M Row
Loooootttttssssss of mobility working on hip internal and external rotation, hip capsule rolling, super-couch, thoracic mobility, shoulder internal rotation partner pnf.
Front squats with empty bar.
Clean practice with 55lbs, 85lbs, 95lbs, 105lbs, 115lbs.


Partners, in alternating sets, do --
3min AMRAP:
90 ft butcher push (90lbs on sled)
Rest 1 minute.
3 minute AMRAP:
10 Hollow Rocks

Total -- 8 sets of sled push and 9 sets of hollow rocks

Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
5 Toes to Bar

This was nice and light and just what I needed for recovery. I'm glad Woseph was game to spend 3 hours doing not much of anything at all.  :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

09-10-11 Saturday Week 136

At the 2011 CrossFit Games.
Was worried that I'd be pretty sore today after those deadlifts last night but was still feeling okay this morning. Headed up to Buford for some lifting with Caleb and Kelly Williams at Peak Performance Weightlifting.

Training Log
Warm-Up with mostly mobility and dynamic ROM stretching.

Press in Split
25kg x 4
30kg x 4
35kg x 4

Clean & Jerk singles
40kg, 42.5kg, 45kg, 50kg, 55kg, 60kg

Clean singles
65kg, 65kg, 60kg, 55kg, 55kg, 55kg, 55kg, 55kg, 55kg, 55kg
62.5kg, 62.5kg, 62.5kg, 62.5kg, 62.5kg, 62.5kg

Front Squat
55kg x3
65kg x2
70kg x2
75kg x1
77.5kg x1
80kg x1
85kg x1

Conclusion: I will be doing a LOT of squatting in the very near future. I expect soreness tomorrow. Standby...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

09-09-11 Friday Week 136

Deadlifting in the dark = grainy photo.
I took yesterday off ... totally wrecked from perhaps overdoing it the day before. So, I've had TWO rest days this week... kinda crazy. We'll see how it goes through the weekend. I feel like I'm still waiting for my hips to recover after that Miami competition...

Training Log
Very brief warm-up.
Handstand walking practice, 10 minutes.
Every minute, on the minute for 15 minutes do
2 muscle ups.

For load, do 3 deadlifts, every minute, on the minute for 7 minutes.
Tabata double unders.

Deadlifts: 250 / 250 / 250 / 260 / 260 / 260 / 270 lbs
Double Unders: 283

The muscle-ups were all sets of 2. It's pretty crazy that I did 30 ... it doesn't seem like very long or very many until you get upwards of 10 minutes. Then it kinda starts to suck a bit. I'm finding this is a good way to get some volume of skill stuff in without necessarily over-doing the metcon stuff and sacrificing intensity.
I haven't deadlifted heavy since before the Games, maybe so those were feeling pretty heavy.
Was surprised that on the double-unders, grip seemed to be the main limiting factor. Also, the music was throwing off my rhythm a little bit - Jonathan and Matt thought it would be funny to start playing opera - I almost smacked them. I tripped like 4 or 5 times in the first 2 sets. Really weird for me. Overall, a good day.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

09-07-11 Wednesday Week 136

Thruster hair is hysterical in this pic...
Today was a looonnngggg day. I rested and got a Thai massage from Matt Holton yesterday, was wrecked! I was still sore when I got up this morning and got in the car to drive to Buford for some Oly coaching with Caleb and Kelly Williams at Peak Performance Weightlifting.

Training Log
Snatch work and Cleans.
Started off light and worked up to 65 kg which is 143.5 lbs and a 3.5 lb PR!! Woot!
Clean & Jerk... worked up to 165 lbs then backed down to 95 lbs and did hang squat cleans pulling from a box to work on speed, wrists and finishing.

Handstand and handstand walking practice.

“Lucky 7′s”
7 rounds for time:
7 Thrusters (w:65 m:95)
7 Toes to Bar
7 Floor Wipers (w:65 m:95)
7 No-Pushup Burpees
7 Wall Ball Situps (w:14 m:20)

Time -- 14:51  (-3:22 PR!!)

Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes, do 3 strict handstand pushups. 

The HSPU felt SO strong today. Probably because of all the handstand work I've been doing lately but I've never done that many strict HSPU in one day. I did the 14th round with a short cycle kip and all other rounds were 3 unbroken. I'm thrilled with that and the fact that I felt like I finally made progress on the handstand walking today. Also, pretty stoked about my snatch PR... it was a good day. :)

PS - if anyone is reading this, Unicorns love comments ♥♥♥

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

09-05-11 Monday Week 136

Chipper swing at Summer Crush Games.
After 5+ workouts in 4 days, decided to take yesterday as a rest day. By the time I met my crew for our workout today, still hadn't decided what workout to do other than I knew I needed to snatch heavy. Haven't done that in a while.
The 10:30AM class was wrapping up their Labor Day hero wod when I arrived and they made it sound like so much fun, decided to give it a shot.

Training Log
Lots of mobility
30 minutes of handstand practice, handstand to forward roll, handstand hold, handstand walk with a spotter.


85 lbs
95 lbs
100 lbs
105 lbs
115 lbs
125 lbs
130 lbs

"Lumberjack 20"
For time:
20 Deadlift (w:195 m:275)
400M Run
20 Dumbbell Swings (w:55 m:70)
400 M Run
20 Overhead Squats (w:80 m:115)
400M Run
20 Burpees
400M Run
20 Chest to bar Pullups
400M Run
20 Box Jumps 24"
400M Run
20 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (w:30's m:45's)
400M Run

Time -- 27:23

I stopped at 130 on the snatch and didn't attempt anything heavier. I will feel good about being able to consistently put up my bodyweight without missing... that day is near, I think.
For the Lumberjack, looking at that workout, I didn't see any reason I shouldn't be able to finish that in under 24 minutes. Alas, finished the 5th run and hit a wall. The pace of my runs dropped off and those last 20 squat cleans were grueling. Every set up to the pullups was unbroken -- the pullups were 10/5/5 ... just to catch my breath, really. It was downhill after that.The soreness set in before I even left the gym. YIKES! What will tomorrow bring??

Saturday, September 3, 2011

09-03-11 Saturday Week 135

Almost didn't make it to the gym this morning. I was considering resting today - still really sore in the abs from situps - since I've done 4 wods in the last 3 days. But I figure, why not make it 5 wods in 4 days!

Training Log
35 burpees (for being late)

then ...
For time:
100 Meter Loaded Run (w: 35 m:45)
4 Rope Climbs (15 ft ascent)
200 Meter Loaded Run
3 Rope Climbs
300 Meter Loaded Run
2 Rope Climbs
400 Meter Loaded Run
1 Rope Climb

Time - 16:16 w/35 lb plate

I totally thought this was going to be way easier than it was. Holding on to that bumper plate after doing the rope climbs was a sonofa b*&$h... super tough little workout!!

09-02-11 Friday Week 135

Inverted burpees ... in slow motion apparently.
Was so sore (there's a pattern emerging, workout - get sore....hmmm....) in my abs this morning, I could hardly stand up straight. I. hate. situps. Gah. Today makes 4 workouts in 3 days and I am planning on getting up and working out tomorrow morning. Maybe I will take Sunday off...? We'll see.

Training Log
Tabata style for max reps:
4 sets of inverted burpees
4 sets of wall ball shots (w: 14/16 m: 20/25)
4 sets of Single Arm Sumo Deadlift High Pull (w:30/35 m:40/45)
2 sets of inverted burpees
2 sets of wall ball shots (w: 14/16 m: 20/25)
2 sets of Single Arm Sumo Deadlift High Pull (w:30/35 m:40/45)

Totals -- 28 Inv Burp / 53 Wall Balls / 77 SDHP  (w/16 lb med ball and 35 lb dumbbell)

This was harder than I thought or maybe I'm just a little too wasted from yesterday's workout... I wanted to have more wall balls, but alas. The wall ball shot is not a short girl's friend. The inverted burpees were slower than they seemed like they should be but I did them non-stop and all the way to the buzzer... and now it's time for bed so I can get up and go again tomorrow!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

09-01-11 Thursday Week 135

Man cleans in my Bruce Lee shoes.
Totally sore today... what's new, right? My abs and calves are fried from "Annie" and "Nancy" yesterday...
I was really, really, reeeaaallly considering an unscheduled rest day but talked myself into going to the gym. I told myself I was going to just get through the workout and do, like, 80% intensity. Yeah... well, apparently, it's harder for me to take it easy than just not come to the gym!
I was crushed after this!

Training Log
Row 500 M
Lots of shoulder mobility. 
Squats, lunges, front/back kicks. Handstand and forward roll practice. Roll out hammies and quads.

On a 15 minute clock, working continuously, begin with:
1 Power Clean (w:95/120 m:135/175)
1 Ring Dip
1 Lateral Hop
then do 2 power cleans, 2 ring dips, 2 lateral hops, then 3 … and so on, completing as many rungs as possible until time is up. There is no rest implied.

TOTAL -- 10 rounds + 1 power clean  (used 135 lbs for the cleans)

I decided to do the men's rx weight on this one. It just made more sense. I added up the reps and I did 56 cleans at 135 in 15 minutes. My sore-trap-headache has already started. I really pushed on this one. The ring dips were pretty fast. Whew... tough one!
On a dietary note, can't. stop. eating. chocolate. What to do...?!?