Thursday, December 20, 2012

12-18-12 Tuesday Week 203

Warm-Up (w/25 lb db)
10 single arm DB swings R + 10 single arm DB swings L
20 Toy Soldier Marches away from DB, bear crawl back to DB (strict, straight knees, heels on floor)
10 single arm DB SDHP R + 10 single arm DB SDHP L
20 Long, low, extra deep lunges w/PVC overhead away from DB, duck walk back to DB
10 single arm DB thruster R + 10 single arm DB thruster L
20 Handstand shoulder touches on the wall

For completion:
3 rds:
15 GHD Situps
15 Good Mornings (use empty bar)

15 Toes to Bar
1:00 Bridge

3 AMRAPs, 10 mins each, 5 mins rest between:
20 Calorie Row
10 Wall Ball Shots (14lbs)
5 Power Clean & Jerk (85lbs)

Total -- 3rds + 5 wb

200 Meter Run
10 Box Jumps (20″)
5 Thrusters (85lbs)

Total -- 4 rds + 10 box jumps

50 Double Unders
50 Yd Farmer Carry (53 lb KBs)
5 x  power snatch+snatch push press+overhead squat (85lbs)

Total -- 3rds + 50 double unders

 Was still fighting off chunks 30 minutes post wod. Gonna be a painful time of year.

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