Thursday, September 22, 2011

09-20-11 Tuesday Week 138

New Wright yoke.... my new fave thing.
FINALLY got back to my workouts today!! It was pretty late when we got started and pretty late when we finished .... didn't eat dinner til around 10:15PM as a result. Feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day lately.

Training Log
Push Snatch + 1 OHS
33 lbs x 4
55 lbs x 4
77 lbs x 3
99 lbs x 3
121 lbs x 3
132 lbs x 2

Snatch Pull + snatch from box
55 lbs x 2/2
77 lbs x 2/2
99 lbs x 2/2
110 lbs x 2/2
121 lbs x 2/2
128 lbs x 2/1
115 lbs x 2/2
125 lbs x 2/1
132 lbs x 2/1

Front Squat
158 lbs x 2
170 lbs x 1
158 lbs x 2
176 lbs x 1
158 lbs x 2
183lbs x 1 (f)

Clean Pull from floor
121 lbs x 6
143 lbs x 4
165 lbs x 3
176 lbs x 3
176 lbs x 3

then ...
Tabata mashup, alternating movements for 16 total tabata rounds of:
 40 lb kettlebell swings
 320 lb yoke carry for distance

 Total -- 74 swings & 187 ft

 Feeling exhausted but glad to be back working out... took almost 5 full days off. The lifting isn't too heavy but it's so long, which is a weird adjustment when I'm used to doing things for time. The yokes we got from Wright Equipment are totally awesome. Getting under 320 lbs while under respiratory stress was really challenging. It might be my new fave training tool.

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