Sunday, March 14, 2010

03-14-10 Sunday Week 58

Technologically advanced record keeping methods.

Our gym is closed today because of work being done on the doors... they are grinding down the concrete on the bays which will consequently fill up the space with cement dust. Ann-imal said come over to CFNA for wodding at 11 ... nobody else from Sunday class wanted to go except Jonathan. I forgot about the time change so we showed up at noon. Ann and Jonathan did "Helen" before I had even finished warming up my deads. No one was up for the torture Luan sent me so I did it alone with Jonathan watching the clock for me.

Training Log
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
235 x 2
245 x 5

then ...

2 rounds for max reps:
4 min double unders
3 min wall ball shots (14 lbs to 10')
2 min kettle swings (35 lbs)
1 min handstand pushups
Rest 2 mins.

Rd 1--
232 double unders, 26 wb, 28 swings, 6 hspu
Rd 2--
180 du's, 32 wb, 34 swings, 7hspu

So focus is so important for me to perform well. I missed probably 4 or 5 wall ball shots and got really pissed off. When I started the set of swings I dropped it at a certain point and rested longer than I really needed to because I was still mad. Took the 2 min rest to get centered. I was more focused in the second round and outperformed myself on every set but the double unders.

I'm seriously hurting right now. I feel like every muscle around my spine is puffy and swollen, especially the ones between my shoulder blades, and it's almost nauseating. I'm hoping a nap and lots of water do the trick before tomorrow's workout kicks my butt.

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